She has smartly planned her kitchen, the kid’s room, garage and her office space. The white stained floors with a shiny gloss finish make them easy to clean and wipe. Being white, they do get dirty quickly but the light they provide is worth all the cleaning up. When it comes to colours she has left not a single one untouched. Her magenta painted doors are an eye-candy. Her accessorised study will surely inspire and be an object of envy for many. The burst of colours juxtaposed with the striking white spaces is so refreshing you would want to run out to the hardware and fabric store right away and get working with your own space.
The house is eclectic makes you drool with inspiration and zap it right to where you are!
Interior Decorator’s Home Designer In Pretty Children Room
Interior Decorator’s Home Designer Yellow Couch Living Area
Interior Decorator’s Home Designer White Office Spaces
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