From Zero to Toasty in 30 Seconds or Less...Reflections on a Vintage Toaster

This is seriously the easiest project ever. It's so simple that it doesn't really need instructions. I'll add some commentary just for fun!

Along with the grapevine spheres that I picked up at Goodwill, I also found this defunct $2 vintage toaster. No cord, a bit rusty, and all metal...just up my alley!

So, what to do with it? Here's the 30-second breakdown...
Stare at it questioningly...4 seconds
Walk to office...5 seconds
Grab magnetic clip from desk...3 seconds
Rummage through cards...10 seconds
Attach clip to card...2 seconds
Walk back to toaster...5 seconds
Stick magnetic clip to toaster...1 second
TOTAL TIME...30 seconds
Okay, okay, it might actually have taken a little bit more time. But it was 2 minutes max! 

This toaster became an easy way to feature a favorite quote of mine. It fits perfectly nestled up to RJNJ's most recent gear lamp. Even the sun stopped by to check it out...

I have another vintage find that I will share with you soon. See that Harris Woolens box on the top of the barrister's bookcase? Wait until you see inside!

While this project is über simple, I just realized that the message displayed is actually quite powerful. It only has two words..."question everything"... but that phrase means a lot. I view questioning as the key to critical thinking and self awareness. In my big-girl job and in my life, these values are at the core of what I do and who I am. Displaying this simple quote on this crazy little toaster (instead of being stored away) will be a great reminder to continually keep an open mind to new ideas and personal growth (something else I value greatly).

Who knew junking could be so inspiring?!

So, do you question everything? Anything? Nothing at all?


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